Why does a company interview an employee?


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Why does a company interview an employee?

Since interviews are closely related to jobs, I thought, why not discuss this topic as well? Sounds good, right?

As we all know, whenever we want to work for a company, getting selected is crucial. One of the key processes for selection is the interview.

Almost everyone who tries to secure a good job has to go through an interview, unless they have some kind of special connection—that's a different story!

So, let’s dive into a few points to understand why companies conduct interviews.

Why are job interview questions asked to candidates?

In every interview, each question asked has a specific purpose. These questions help the interviewer understand your personality and reflect your knowledge.

This is why interviewers ask a wide range of questions, from common to critical ones, trying to assess you in different ways.

Below, I’ve explained some key points about interviews and the reasons behind the questions they ask.

Objectives of an Interview

An interview serves a dual purpose. This means it's not just beneficial for one side. It's not just the job seeker who gains something, and the company isn’t doing you a favor by offering a job. The company benefits by having you work for their growth.

So, both parties gain something—the company gets talent, and you get opportunities to learn and earn. Here's a breakdown of how both the interviewer and the employee benefit from the process:

1. For the Interviewer 

  • To select the best candidate for the job.
  • To assign roles and responsibilities, and place the candidate in a department that suits their profile and interests.

2. For the Employee 

  • To find the best job option that matches their skills and potential.
  • To showcase their personality and extra skills.
  • To seek out an organization that offers growth opportunities.
  • To ensure the working conditions of the organization are favorable.

In addition to this, there are some common purposes of interviews that apply in general.

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